
Overcoming The Objection It Did Not Work For Me


Network Marketing Tip – Overcoming The Objection – It Did Not Work For Me

How many times have you ended your presentation only to have your prospect say it all sounds good but “It did not work for me”.  That can be
frustrating because chances are your prospect never really gave the opportunity a chance, here’s why.

Network Marketing works.  Only for those that apply themselves by putting forth the effort over the course of  2-5 years on a part time basis.  We all know this to be true because there are a lot of people who have “made it” in network marketing so how do you overcome the objection It did not work for me?

Here’s a great tip. Ask your prospect:

“Why do they believe it didn’t work for them?”

They will probably tell you that they talked to a few people and they said no.  They may tell you that they used the product and they didn’t get the result s that they expected.  Bottom line is get to the root of why they believe “it did not work for me”.

Ask your prospect:

“Why did you originally enroll in a network marketing company previously?”

They will probably tell you because of they wanted to make money or they liked the product. These are common reasons. The desire to make money or liking a product does not produce success in network marketing. More is needed.  Express to your prospect that with the proper system, accountability, mentoring and coaching and team they associate that is key for success.  Success is only possible if your prospect is willing to put the time in and follow the time tested proven system you are part of with your team.

Tell your prospect it is very difficult to be successful on your own so when they make the statement “it did not work for me” that simply means they weren’t plugged in to a success system, didn’t commit to the process and/or possibly their expectations were not set up correctly. Share your reason why you enrolled with your team and share your experience so far along with your short and long term expectations.

Ask your prospect this question:

If I could show you the way, the path where others on our team have been successful, will you build directly with me? We will go step by step. Will you allow me to be in your corner so that when you fall, I’ll be there as a team member to pick you up, dust off and get back on the path? Would you partner up with me?

When you come from a position of strength and belief in the process your prospect will enroll with you even though they gave you the objection it did not work for me.  The question I have for you, are you willing to be strong with your prospect like this and nudge them along so they don’t give up on their reason why they originally enrolled previously so they can get started with you?

Close like a champion and don’t allow your prospect to give up on this incredible industry of network marketing just because they gave you the objection “It did not work for me” in the past.  You can do this, I believe in you!

When they say YES get them started as you have been trained. You want the answer to be YES but if it happens to be no, then consider it a “no, not now”.  Situations change circle back to them at a later date. End by saying –

Thank you for your time, I value your time and opinion. I am excited about what I am doing and since we are (friends, co workers, family), I am sure you will want to hear about my success as I want to hear about your successes and what you are doing in the future. Again thank you for your time.

Watch this video on how to Overcome the objection It did not work for me

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This network marketing overcoming objection tip it did not work for me can increase your closing ratio if applied correctly. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip overcoming the objection it did not work for me with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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