Dealing With Negative People - Ed Zimbardi

Dealing With Negative People


Dealing With Negative People 

Do you have someone around you that always talk negative and you feel like you’re depressed after being around them?   Do you feel as if these negative people are holding you back from building your business or pursuing your dream?  Do you want to know how to deal with negative people?  Here’s how I did it successfully.

Growing up there was one relative that was always talking negative. They would talk about anything and everything with a negative spin.  They would gossip about this person,
that person and they had an opinion on what they should do or not do.  They were always talking doom & gloom, to watch out for this or that and never take any risks.  I ended up being depressed for days after being around this relative.

Until one day I drew a line in the sand.  You can do this too…What I did was I told them that I was taking a break from being around them for a season.  There are 4 seasons in a yearWinter, Spring, Summer and Fall, each being 90 days. I literally meant 90 days off from associating from this negative relative.

This most likely is not the strategy for a spouse or someone who lives in your home. (Although I have a strategy for that too, so watch out for it). For now, let’s stay focused on friends, associates, family members that live outside your home or relatives that you are around for certain times of the year like during holidays. When I took a stand and told this relative that I was taking a break from being around them it could have gone one or two ways.  They would either say, who do you think you are, that’s fine, stay away and don’t ever come around me if you feel this way.  Or they could say you know you’re right, I do talk too much about negative stuff, doom and gloom and I’ll do my best not to do that any longer. I was willing to have it go either way, my success and future was at stake.

Watch this video on:
Dealing With Negative People

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When I told my relative my position, they got upset, they couldn’t believe I say this to them.  But you know what happened after just a few days after the blow up?  They called and said, you’re right, I was mad at you for the first few days but I played our conversations over and over again in my mind and I can see that I was always talking about negative stuff, gossiping about this person or that person, etc.  So I’ll make this promise that I’ll do everything I can not to talk about that stuff when I’m around you. For me, that was a start.

When I made the decision to stop dealing with negative people, the shift impacted my business in a big way.  Before taking a stand, I would get stuck, frozen and not able to move forward for days.  That is because I allowed them to get into my mind and cause me to doubt everything I was doing to move one step closer to fulfilling my purpose and live the life of my dreams.

So take a stand and end the madness with dealing with negative people.  Be strong and tell the negative person that you have to take a break for a season and not be around or speak with them.  Tell them how they make you feel after you communicate with them.  It will be a shock to them, they will probably get upset but it will be worth it.  Let them sleep on it and you’ll be amazed how quickly they will call you back up and say you were right.  If they contact you like my relative did you can choose to not let the 90 day season pass without them. It’s okay to see if they are the same old person or if they watch their words more closely when they are around you.  If they don’t happen to have the courage to call you, let the season pass as promised. When you reconnect with them you will be stronger and the changes will be noticed. Most likely you will have an impact of them to change and it will have a positive effect on all of their other relationships. I was prepared to go an entire season of 90 days not associating with that relative. The good news is that up until today, they have changed and they are very conscious not to talk negatively.  I have to believe taking a stand will not only help you but it will also help them.


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Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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