
Overcoming The Objection I’m Not A Sales Person


Network Marketing Tip – Closing and Handling the Objection – I’m not a sales person

After getting the prospect to show up and doing everything right with the presentation your prospect replies …”I’m not a sales person”

Whenever you get the objection I’m not a salesperson turn it right around and simply say:

“Perfect because this is not sales.”

Explain why.

“Have you ever been real excited about a movie or restaurant and shared it with others?  I mean really told the story about the movie or your experience at the restaurant verses just saying I went to see such and such movie it was great? Did you tell them what you ate at the restaurant and that you would go back there?”

Their answer will always be yes. When you show passion and belief in what you are sharing others wrap their head around it emotionally then get engaged with you through the process.

Continue with this question.

“Did you sell that movie or restaurant or just share your experience?”

Ok you made your point! No one likes to be sold.  All you are doing is that same thing, sharing. Once your prospect fully understands that they make recommendations all the time then it’s much easier to paint the picture to them that they aren’t selling what you are offering, they are simply sharing it.

Often times the way you share your business is how your prospect thinks they have to do present it.  So it is important how you present, you should be just sharing. Network Marketing is about sharing a product or service that you are passionate about.  I don’t know about you but it’s really hard from me to share something with someone that I don’t first believe in. Your prospects need to see that you are emotionally connected, have passion and belief in what you are sharing. That should inspire them to listen to what you are saying and then to move in the direction to get started with you.

When your prospect says I’m not a sale person, share with them that there are a lot of other people like yourself part of the team that have a high level of belief in your product or service , are passionate about it  and not sales people. Don’t forget to tell your prospect that by sharing the product/service with enough people can potentially provide an additional income. For some over time it has replaced both the money earned on a part time basis and others even replaced the money they earn on their full time jobs.  Creating income is all due to the fact there are a lot of people sharing what they believe in, not selling.

When they say YES get them started as you have been trained. You want the answer to be YES but if it happens to be no, then consider it a “no, not now”.  Situations change circle back to them at a later date. End by saying –

Thank you for your time, I value your time and opinion. I am excited about what I am doing and since we are (friends, co workers, family), I am sure you will want to hear about my success as I want to hear about your successes and what you are doing in the future. Again thank you for your time.

Watch this video about overcoming the objection I’m not a sales person:

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This network marketing overcoming objection tip I’m not a sales person can increase your closing ratio if applied correctly. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip overcoming the objection I’m not a sales person with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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