creating urgency with your prospect

Create A Sense Of Urgency With Your Prospect


Network Marketing Tip – Create A Sense Of Urgency With Your Prospect

You need to create a sense of urgency when your prospect says “I’ll think about it”.  Your prospect will put off getting enrolled if you don’t create
urgency.  Now is the best time ever to create a sense of urgency with your prospect because we live in a fast paced digital social media age so your prospect will understand that time is of the essence where they need to make a decision.

The techniques outlined below will instill the fear of loss as you’ll be showing a lot more people as time goes on.  When someone says “I’ll think about it” respond with:

“I’m going to be showing this opportunity to hundreds of people, and dozens of dozens of people over the next few months.  You can benefit in a tremendous way by getting positioned right now, start utilizing the product and when you are ready to start building serious like me, you’ll be much more ahead of those who get started later.”

When you started in your business you should have made a list of names even categorized it to your top 10 prospects.  You can tell your prospect about your list and that you have a plan. You can create a sense of urgency with your prospect by showing them how serious you are about presenting to all those people on your list.  You can tell them they were in your top ten and you thought of them first which gives your prospect the advantage.

You can also create a sense of urgency with your prospect by showing a list of names with their name towards the top of your contact list. Explain that you are going to be presenting the opportunity to the rest of the names on your list over the course of the week (or the new few days) and as they get started they could not only be part of your team but benefit from being the one of the first to make the decision. The last part of this statement of course can be said if you are in a binary compensation plan where the first one has the benefit of getting in first. If you would like to understand a binary compensation plan feel free to send me an email at

Another technique is to use the take away by saying:

“I had to show this to you before the rest of the people on my list because I know you are a sharp person and I have a lot of respect for you.  I value your opinion and believe you would be a great part of the team.  It doesn’t matter to me if you enroll or not, I’m not going to sell or convince you to do it as I would have to be prepared to sell you to stay part of the team every day going forward.  By showing you what I’m doing now will allow me to put my head down on my pillow tonight knowing that when I do reach my financial goals with this company I won’t feel bad because I presented  this to you. If you stay stuck exactly where you are today and let this opportunity pass you by that will be on you. This is your decision.”

What you are saying is true. That posture will create a sense of urgency with your prospect every time!

Be strong which will increase your belief. By standing firm you’ll be able to create a sense of urgency with your prospect the next time you present the opportunity which will enable them to make a decision to say YES. When they say YES get them started as you have been trained.

You want the answer to be YES but if it happens to be no, then consider it a “no, not now”.  Situations change circle back to them at a later date. End by saying –

Thank you for your time, I value your time and opinion. I am excited about what I am doing and since we are (friends, co workers, family), I am sure you will want to hear about my success as I want to hear about your successes and what you are doing in the future. Again thank you for your time.

Watch this video on how to create a sense of urgency with your prospect at enrollment time:

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This network marketing tip on creating a sense of urgency with your prospect in general increase your closing ratio if applied correctly. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip on creating a sense of urgency with your prospect in general with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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