how to build momentum with your team quickly

How To Build Momentum With Your Team Quickly


Network Marketing Tip – How To Build Momentum With Your Team Quickly

Momentum, it’s a beautiful thing and you need it! You have one team member, maybe five, ten or even hundreds and you ask how to build
momentum with your team quickly here’s a great tip.

In the beginning of the month, get with each person on your team. Set a goal for how many people they will commit to prospecting and have them write that goal down.  If you have a larger team then work with the leaders, those that are serious and have already enrolled a few people.  Have them reach out to each person in their group to write their monthly goal down.

Whenever I’m asked how to build momentum with your team quickly I always say start with the end goal in mind. Then work backwards to break down what actually needs to be done by each team member on a weekly basis then daily basis to meet that end goal.

It’s as simple mathematical equation.  When each of your team members commit to prospecting a certain amount of people each week the result will be a certain amount of new enrollments/team members. Creating activity in showing the plan creates new team members. All those new team members added up each week will result with a larger amount of new team members by the end of the month.  Use this tip on how to build momentum with your team quickly and your team goal will be achieved. Be consistent with this accountability task.

Momentum builds through the month and everyone working as a team will create the reward at the end of the month. Using the strategy above you’ll end up adding more team members the last week of the month than the first 3 weeks of the month combined. 

Think about it.  Not all those who see the business at first enroll.  Even those who want to get started just need some time to work things out in their life before they get started.  That is okay and with proper follow up your team grows the last part of the month than the first part of the month. Without follow up this strategy will not work.

When I first started on my path of Network Marketing (sometimes called MLM or Direct Sales)  I asked my mentor how to build momentum with your team quickly.  I was taught to draw circles on a whiteboard of each of my leaders and have calls with each of them on a weekly and even daily basis to keep everyone focused, on task and accountable.  The team members would write on the board how many new team members their goal is for the month and I would record the group as a whole.  I would make sure everyone’s numbers added up to meet their goals. Then the team would have a target to shoot for working in sync.  Then each day everyone is building to reach their specific goal and then everyone benefits with the overall target being reached.

Warning: Get Ready for the result of Momentum if you apply this tip over the next 90 days. It will explode your business.  The question is are you ready for it?

When your new team members ask the question how to build momentum with your team quickly now you can map out a plan!  Implement this tip over their first 90 days to increase their business and bring a lot of new team members into their business.  Make sure to do weekly calls with your group to make sure they say on track and daily calls with those who are putting extra effort.

The plan will be shown to many quickly during the momentum and when they say YES get them started as you have been trained.

You want the answer to be YES but if it happens to be no, then consider it a “no, not now”.  Situations change circle back to them at a later date. End by saying –

Thank you for your time, I value your time and opinion. I am excited about what I am doing and since we are (friends, co workers, family), I am sure you will want to hear about my success as I want to hear about your successes and what you are doing in the future. Again thank you for your time.

Watch this video on how to build momentum with your team quickly:

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This network marketing tip on how to build momentum with your team quickly will increase your business month over month if applied correctly. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip on how to build momentum with your team quickly with your entire team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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