
Network Marketing Prospecting Tip


Network Marketing Prospecting Tip

This network marketing prospecting tip is for Some people that don’t know where to start prospecting or feel that they are out of prospects. You can choose to quit before you start or go out and start to break records.  If you
choose to break records you must master prospecting for your business.

Here’s a network marketing prospecting tip. If you had a flat tire which left you broke down on the side of the road, who do you trust enough that would be there for you? Who would be the one that you could pick up the phone and know they would just about drop everything they were doing and come to your aid?  Whoever that is or if you have several people that you can think of, then those are the first few people you need to prospect for your business.

These are the people who know you, trust you and are in your corner.  I know what you are thinking, they will say no to your business if you show them, they might laugh at you or tell you that you are crazy.   Let me tell you something…You are crazy if you don’t show them your business.  Show them where you are going, open up and be vulnerable and tell them why you made a decision to break records instead of staying at a breaking point in your life.

People follow those who have vision and a clear path to where they are going.  You might mess things up the first time you show them your business but remember, you can always give them a second look using the apology approach. An apology approach is used for those who you presented the business with ignorance on fire and presented it incorrectly. You would simple call them back at some point and say “I’m sorry but when I told you about what I was doing I left out some key information because I was new and did not know. It may not make any difference to you but it would to me. Can I please just do it right this time?”

I was afraid to show people who I was close to because I had shown them things in the past and what I shared was not always received well or in the end things did not go as well as planned. Time can change many things in someone’s life, so don’t prejudge that they will receive it or not receive it. What you have to say maybe what they are looking for and it may be the answer to their need for extra income.  Go to those that are closest to first or go back with the apology approach.

The idea about prejudging moves to even those in your warm market. The hardest people to approach maybe those that are closest to you but once you push through those you will gain the strength to approach others. What is the worst case that could happen? You learn something like how to present better simply by doing it and when you succeed and you will, those around you will know how you did it. They will reflect back and if they did not see your vision then I’m sure they wished they had.

Now is the time to break records, don’t prejudge. You’ll be surprised how many people you’ll add to your prospect list. Make this network marketing prospecting tip sink in to be a driving force that guides you daily.

Watch this video: Network Marketing Prospecting Tip

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This network marketing prospecting tip can explode your business. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing prospecting tip with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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