
How To Build Depth Within Your Team


Network Marketing Tip – How To Build Depth Within Your Team

Build depth within your team is critical to reach the income rewards that Network Marketing (also known as MLM or Direct Sales) is known for. To get what you want in
network marketing you have to focus on assisting each of your team members get what they want. That “want” is usually equated to some sort of financial goal or some other type of reward.  Here’s how to build depth:

No matter how big your team is 1 or 1,000+ members here is a key to build an even bigger team within the next 30, 60 or 90 days.  Contact your team member and ask them what their short term goals are in regards to enrollment and or rank.  Get their commitment on how much time they can devote to their business this month for that goal. Have them write it down and put it in a place they can see what they set up for their goals daily. You keep a copy and if needed refer them back to what they said. Work with those who want to work

Create a plan. Assess how many new enrollments are needed, how many will be personal enrollments and how many generated from their downlines enrollments. This can change but you have to start with a plan. Get a plan and be flexible. Fill up their calendar with the time commitment they established.  Train and work with your team with income producing actions like prospecting, contacting, inviting, showing the plan, handling questions and objections. Don’t forget follow up with those who said no, maybe or not now. Wash and repeat with each of your team members.

As the month moves on and new people are added repeat this process with those new members.  Massive momentum will be created which causes depth. Depth is what impacts your business it is where the “big” money starts to be generated in your business. This is the money that generates while you sleep. By assisting each of your team members to reach their goals this will affect both of your rank advancements and the income to their family and income to your family. Pretty cool right!

Expect and allow for more time for working in your business during the last week of month. You’ll end up doing more business than the first 3 weeks combined.  Why?  It’s the nature of the business and how you build depth with your team. The momentum is there because the month is coming to an end and usually companies close their advancements and bonus opportunities on the last day of the month.

I can’t impress upon you enough the importance on implementing this tip now. Build depth within your team gets you to the residual income part of your business where your time is being leveraged.  Teach others on your team to do the same and you have an army of teachers teaching others this tip and your team will explode.

Watch this video on How To Build Depth Within Your Team:

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I can’t say it enough. Build Depth Within Your Team! Can you do that?  Will you do that? I’d like to help to ensure that you build depth within your team so send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this tip on how to build depth within your team, with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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