
Create A Sense Of Urgency


Network Marketing Tip – Create A Sense Of Urgency

You can create a sense of urgency in your business daily using this tip & it will lead you to success. Need more business but you aren’t getting out there talking to more people?
Are you filling your time with “other” activities just to stay away from doing the income producing activities? You don’t feel any sense of urgency? Here’s a tip on using a simple visual that will create urgency in your life.

This exercise will impact your life, the rest of your life.

Ask yourself this question and write your answers down on a piece of paper.  What age do you believe you will live until?  For the purpose of this example, let’s say you believe you will live to 95, write that down.  Now write down your current age.  Let’s say you are 42 year of age.  The difference between 42 and 95 is 53 years left on this earth.  Since there is 365 days in a year, multiply 365 x 53 years left to live and you should come up with an answer you’ve written down of 19,345 days left on this earth.

Question: Do you brush your teeth at least at least once per day, maybe twice (I know some of you might brush your teeth even more but follow me on this, I’m making a point)?  If you answered YES, then I would venture to say that you brush your teeth pretty much on the same schedule.  In the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed.  Most likely in the bathroom in front of the same mirror, correct?

Grab a post-it note and write down the days you have left on this earth from the equation we just went through.  Let’s say it’s 19,345 days left.  Write that at the top of a post-it note.  Leave room to write it again 2 times before you have to use another. Post the note on the mirror where you brush your teeth.

Putting a visual number of how many days you have left on earth that morning knowing you have to look at it again and ask yourself if you moved one step forward towards your goal at the end of the day or not. This simple visual creates URGENCY in your life to take action each day.

Each morning look at how many days you have left on earth and burn the image in your mind while brushing your teeth.  Do some sort of income producing activity each day because at the end of the day when you are brushing your teeth for the second time that day you will have to cross out the number (19,345) and below it write the number 19,344.  The feeling that comes over you most likely will not make you feel good, that is the feeling you need to create a sense of urgency. It’s okay to have it sink in that fact that you let that day slip by, that you’ll never get back that day but don’t beat yourself up just commit to make the next day better than the previous day. Keep doing this exercise!

You don’t want to end up at 95, sitting on your rocking chair saying to yourself I wish I coulda, woulda and shoulda done this or that and be filled with a life of regret.

I explain how to create a sense of urgency in this video

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Now take action, make a list of income producing activates and create a sense of urgency about your day when you look in the mirror at least twice a day when brushing your teeth and make that day the best day ever!

Hope that helps! Reach out to me at ed@edzimbardi.com and let me know if I can assist you on how to create a sense of urgency daily in your network marketing business.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this tip on creating a sense of urgency daily with your team.

Ed Zimbardi






Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

About the Author Ed Zimbardi

Living the Dream is easier with the right team players. Ed had the entrepreneurial bug early on. He was not afraid to work. Ed & Brenda invite you learn more about how they assist you to reach your personal, business and lifelong goals.

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